
A Glamour Affair does.......The Raven: A DIY Tutorial

Nisha and I just LOVE Halloween, so you can imagine how excited we are to blog about "Halloweeny" hair and makeup.  So we decided to do........ The Raven.  So first we set out to find an outfit.  We knew we could get a good price on something at Marshalls so that is where we went first.  Luckily, we found the PERFECT dress.  It was black and had sequins and did I mention perfect?  The best part was that it was only $16.99.  Then I wanted to make a capelet with feathers to go along with the dress so it looked more "raven-ish".  Below the picture set you will find a DIY tutorial on how to make the raven feather capelet, along with a hair and makeup tutorial.  Our great photographer friend Lori Waddell of Lori Waddell Photography was the photographer for this fun little photo shoot.  Click on the link to visit Lori's website to see more of her work.  I hope you have as much fun with your Halloween costume as we did with this one!
Sexy Raven Halloween Costume DIY tutorial hair and makeup

Sexy Raven Halloween Costume DIY tutorial hair and makeup
Sexy Raven Halloween Costume DIY tutorial hair and makeup
Here is my tutorial for getting "The Raven" hairstyle.  Feel free to post any questions below.  I would be happy to answer!
DIY Tutorial on Halloween Raven bird hairstyle for Sexy Raven Costume
Pulling off the Raven Makeup Look
Halloween Makeup tutorial for the sexy raven

Tutorial on the Raven Capelet
DIY tutorial on how to make a sexy Raven feather costume
Once you have finished the steps above you can just hot glue two ribbons to the inside edges of the capelet and tie it in a bow to keep it on.


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